Jennifer Brown, Director of Fiscal Projects
City of Sugar Land
City of Sugar Land
Have questions? Reach out to us directly.
FY23 Funding: $1,500,000 to match Fort Bend County Mobility Bonds
The segments of University Blvd. From SH 6 through Riverstone were planned to accommodate future expansion. Over the past few years the segment of University Blvd from New territory Blvd to Lexington has seen tremendous growth in traffic and the intersection with IH-69 has become critical to mobility within this corridor as growth continues in the areas surrounding it including the University of Houston campus expansion, Smart Financial Center, Brazos River Park/Festival Site south of US 59 and the commercial development north of US 59.
Design and construction of one additional lane in each direction of the existing concrete boulevard roadway from Wentworth to New Territory Blvd. Project includes intersection improvements at New Territory Boulevard, Telfair Avenue, Lexington Boulevard and Wentworth Avenue.
Have questions? Reach out to us directly.